Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Additional session added...

If you're ready to go for your Pro Tools Operator certificate in Music Production and were thinking that April would be the perfect month to do it and then you stopped by our site and exclaimed, "(GASP!) The class is full!", do not fear.

We have added a second session, from April 20 - 22, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day. The class will meet at Studio West and will be taught by the inimitable Mr. Caleb Keiter.

Hope to see you there!

(Quick! Three seats have been taken already!)

Friday, March 27, 2009


On Tuesday, March 24, TRAC and Studio West hosted the very first meeting of the San Diego Pro Tools User Group! There was a great turnout - a very diverse group of industry professionals, retailers, educators, new users and old pros. Caleb did a detailed demo of Pro Tools 8 with a focus on Elastic Audio and Elastic Pitch, Mark introduced the group to engineering luminary Eric Thorngren, and we even got to give a way some cool swag from McDSP and the grand prize...a copy of Pro Tools 8! You don't want to miss the next meeting - go to www.sdptug.org to sign up!