Thursday, May 28, 2009

June McDSP discount for TRAC students

Get yer gear here!

McDSP has just announced a June special, which will give TRAC students 20% off Emerald Pack HD and Native, Classic Pack HD and Native, and upgrades to those bundles. Enroll with us anytime between now and June 30 to take advantage of this discount!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The next SDPTUG meeting...

The latest from the San Diego Pro Tools User Group board:

Dear Pro Tools Friends,

Have you ever had one of those months where sleep is not an option because your to do list occupies all 24 hours of every day? In my dictionary, that is called April. Rest assured though, that the SDPTUG is alive and well, and growing!

We are working out the final details for our next meeting. We are shooting for sometime near the end of May or beginning of June. The location and topic details will follow soon.

Thanks for standing by!

- Caleb

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

TRAC grads get a summer gig....

Two TRAC graduates have accepted a summer gig with the San Diego County Fair putting their Pro Tools skills to use! Operating a mobile recording studio, the grads will make it possible for fairgoers to go into a sound booth, record vocals over a song of their choice and leave with a CD. Both candidates were selected based on their skills with Pro Tools and with people...(sniff!)...we're so proud....